本人亲自在Ubuntu 18.04上成功将鼠标侧键映射为ctrl,可保持长按。可以按住鼠标侧键并滚动鼠标滚轮实现页面缩放,下面是方法。
参考:首先安装Easystroke (sudo apt install easystroke)。这是个图形化软件,操作简单。打开软件界面后按以下步骤设置:
- Preferences tab: additional buttons -> add -> radio button 'Instant Gestures' -> click the mouse button of choice in the grey area (for me a 'back, thumb button' became '(Instantly) Button 20')
- Preferences tab: Select 'Autostart Easystroke'
- Actions tab: Add Action Name: anything you like (e.g. 'Mouse 20 -> Ctrl') Type: 'Ignore' Details: click it once to change 'Ignore' to 'Key combination...'. then press Ctrl + a. 'a' doesn't matter and is ignored. 'Key Combination' will be replaced with 'Ctr'
- With the new action selected/highlighted -> click 'Record Stroke' -> press the mouse button you're wanting to use again (this came up with '20 -> 20' in the Stroke column for me)
- Now pressing and holding my mouse button brings up a dinky 'Ctr' on the screen and acts like the button is being held for as long as the mouse button is
比如我想将长按鼠标右键映射为F5。打开easystroke软件界面后按以下步骤设置:- 偏好设置选项卡:额外按键 -> 添加 -> 单选按钮 "超时" -> 将鼠标移动到灰色区域并按下右键(我的鼠标右键被识别为按键3)
- 偏好设置选项卡:行为 -> 超时档案 -> 保持
- 动作选项卡:添加动作 名字:随便取(比如“长按右键刷新”) 类别:按键 详细信息:点击,然后按下“F5” 手势:双击,然后按下鼠标右键,出现警告选择“是”,这时候手势区域会显示 '3 -> X'
- 在网页中长按鼠标右键就可以实现刷新了
你还可以将 Easystroke 与 xte 结合使用,实现更多快捷键。
参考:首先安装 xte
sudo apt-get install xautomation
Now, if you run on a terminal something like:
xte 'keydown Control_L' 'key F10' 'keyup Control_L'
that means simulate a Ctrl+F10 keypress.
在 easystroke 里设置词典软件 Goldendict (sudo apt-get install goldendict)的查词快捷键(Ctrl+C+C):
xte 'keydown Control_L' 'keydown C' 'keyup C' 'keydown C' 'keyup C' 'keyup Control_L' 'keydown Control_L' 'keydown C' 'keyup C' 'keydown C' 'keyup C' 'keyup Control_L'